Are you ready to unlock your truest potential as an inspirational
leader who brings out the best in your team and organisation in 2024?


Would you like to develop new mindsets, skills sets and habits that help build more productive and resilient cultures?

Do you dare to become a resonant leader who embraces emotional leadership in moments of crises and uncertainty that lets people flourish and reach their potential?

This 8-week leadership academy has been created for global leaders and entrepreneurs who are interested in embracing a new leadership style based in emotional intelligence, positive psychology, and the latest neuroscience of neuroplasticity. 

It is a culmination of working with leaders and influential people from different cultures and industries around the world for more than 30 years. This transformational online course will change the way you motivate, inspire, and lead yourself and others in profound ways!

Do you need help in these areas?

What emotional resources do leaders need to thrive amongst chaos and turbulent times?

What gives a leader the inner strength and authenticity to be honest about even painful truths?

What enables leaders to inspire others to do their best work and stay loyal to the company?

How do leaders create an emotional climate of safety that fosters creative innovation and top performance in their teams?


” Mindful leadership entails being aware of one’s internal compass. It enables a leader to respond to a situation as it arises, to respond to the reality of constant changes from a place of deep calm and focus and to have the presence of mind to face the reality of any situation with confidence.”

Here's what you’ll receive when you register:

1 x Social and Emotional Intelligence behavioural assessment report (SEIP). It measures both your social and emotional intelligence competencies based on your 15-minute subjective online assessment and provides you with concrete development suggestions and practical action steps.

  Value $ 297

1.5 hour 1:1 coaching session with Katha to discuss the results of your SEIP in more detail. This report will highlight your “blind spots” and most important competencies you need to work on.

Value $ 1, 000

8 x recorded coaching modules with your Coach

Value $ 2,400

Practical development tips for each module to support your learning and mindset and behavioural change

Value $ 597

Access to my private Facebook group "Dare To Lead With Emotional Intelligence Mastermind Group". This is a creative, collaborative, and supportive online space you can tap into for additional connection, support and collaboration with members of the Dare To Lead With Emotional Intelligence And Heart” Mastermind Group”. (Lifetime access)

Value $ 997

Experienced and dynamic Coach and Facilitator



At the end of this immersive online academy, you’ll emerge as an inspirational and resonant
leader who has the X-factor skill set to create positive change in the world.

One-time payment of

US $ 1,347

(save $ 350)

Slower payment option:

5 x monthly payments of

US $ 339.40

(total US $ 1,697)


NO RISK 14-day money back guarantee

Clients' personal experiences


Gae Bergin : Senior Portfolio Partner, The Agency, Sydney, Australia.


Gae Bergin : Senior Portfolio Partner, The Agency, Sydney, Australia


Andrea O'Shea: Founder, Kaizen SkinBodyBeing, Touch For Health/Kinesiology Instructor, Sydney, Australia

Frequently Asked Question

What’s the difference between the Mastermind Group and the Dare To Lead With Emotional Intelligence And Heart Academy?

The Dare To Lead With EI and Heart Academy takes you on a transformational journey of personal and professional development as you learn more in-depth leadership competencies and strategies over 8 consecutive weeks.

You’ll also receive your personalised Social and Emotional Intelligence profiling report (SEIP) based on your subjective online assessment at the beginning of the course.

This 41-pages SEIP report will highlight your subconscious “blind spots” and weaker competencies on a visual graph, and your Coach will discuss these specific areas you need to work on in more detail in a 1:1 online coaching session (90 minutes).

The learning outcome and your personal success will greatly depend on your personal commitment to do the required work, invest in regular self-reflection and activities and how you implement your new knowledge in your personal and work life.

How will the course material be delivered?

The Dare To Lead With EI and Heart Academy is delivered via:

  • 8 x weekly recorded coaching modules with your Coach
  • Downloadable PDF worksheets
  • Practical development tips for each module
  • Cognitive behavioural and positive psychology tips for each module
  • BONUS: Access To my “Dare To Lead With Emotional Intelligence And Heart” Mastermind Group (lifetime access) for additional support, connection and collaboration with other members.

Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

Yes, we are offering a 14-day money back guarantee for the online academy if you can prove that you have worked through the content of the first two modules (when they are released) and completed the downloadable activities and recommendations.

How quickly can I expect results?

Your individual results will depend on your personal commitment and the time you invest in regular self-study and self-reflection. This Academy is a journey of personal and professional development and can bring up some unresolved issues and emotional and mental blocks you need to work through. This multi-dimensional process of change can also bring up unexpected emotional responses that will help you understand your subconscious triggers better. An honest and compassionate attitude towards yourself and others is crucial.


You’ll receive one module per week in your inbox

Module 1

What is transformational leadership – Why Your Leadership style matters

Module 2

Developing your Soft Skills, Four-Quadrant Model of Social and Emotional Intelligence (26 distinct competencies), Behavioural traits of highly intelligent leaders

Module 3

Building your emotional self-awareness and self-regulation with effective tools and techniques

Module 4

Emotional Relearning and Experience Dependent Neuroplasticity, Stop the Amygdala Hijack in 5 minutes, The 3 Stages of Stress, The General Adaptation Syndrome (Hans Seyle)

Module 5

Effective Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills, Learn About the Four Types of Conflict, How to Deal With Difficult People

Module 6

Effective Stress Management Techniques and Performance Boosters

Module 7

Relationship Management and Interpersonal Effectiveness "How To Build Emotional Safety in Your Relationships.

Module 8

Strategic Problem-Solving with Six Thinking Hats Technique (Dr. Edward de Bono)


How To Maintain Integrated Brain Function Under Stress & Peak Performance

value US $ 597

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