Boost Your Resilience In 3 Steps

effective leadership with emotional intelligence emotional intelligence mental resilience neuroplasticity stop ruminating Oct 24, 2021
Mental resilience, Stop ruminating, chnage your thinking, neuroplasticity for optimism, reframe the problem

The definition of resilience is the ability to recover from or deal easily with setbacks, challenges. life crisis and undesired change.

Challenges and change are a natural part of everyone's journey, but when the going gets tough, how do you actually handle it? Take a moment to reflect how you dealt with a difficult situation, major problem or unexpected crisis? Or are you still in the midst of it? Initially we react with a gamut of strong emotions, fear and uncertainty. Our reactions can range from anxiety, learned helplessness, resentment, self-righteous indignation to anger. If this stressful situation  doesn't get resolved, some people can experience a state of total inner collapse, paralysis or burn out.

Do you resist and struggle during times of change and transition or do you adjust to the new circumstances quickly and bounce back with ease and a new level of confidence? Are you able to manage your emotions and remain calm by accessing your inner resources or do you succumb, resign or give up?

Resilient individuals experience adversity as regularly as the rest of us, but they deal with difficult situations with a greater level of emotional intelligence, conscious awareness and a calm mind. The first step is to re-frame your situation/ problem and ask yourself: What can I learn from this? By analyzing the  problem and engaging new strategies to manage stress more effectively is a powerful way to change your perspective and regain control.

1. Re-frame the problem:

Change your negative language pattern and focus on the desired outcome in great detail. Be very specific what you need and how this will change the current status quo for the better. Using positive words such as "challenge" and "opportunity" instead of "problem" and "crisis" allows your innate intelligence to come up with creative solutions much faster. Making an action plan to move forward will help your brain and nervous system to switch from survival back-brain fear-thinking to creative "Manifesting Mode".

2. Stop ruminating and focus on the best outcome for everyone (BOFE)

A negative outlook keeps the survival brain and the emotional brain (amygdala) in reactive mode resulting in a cascade of harmful stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol that impair creative and logical thinking processes. Imagining the worst case scenario will increase your feelings of angst, fear and powerlessness and keep you stuck.  By shifting your focus on what you truly desire and trusting your inner resources that you will find a workable solution, your physiology will return to a state of equilibrium and your creative problem- solving skills will kick in again.

3. Neuroplasticity: Train your brain for Optimism

Resilience is an important life skills that can be enhanced and learnt over time. The way we respond is within our control and through conscious awareness of your thoughts and emotions, you are in a much stronger position to manage your mental well-being and strengthen your resilience factor. These new set of skills creates new neuronal pathways in your grey matter and equip you to master the next challenge with more flexibility, confidence and emotional intelligence.


Emotional Intelligence Manifesto

This Manifesto will help you achieve the three main benefits of EI:

  1. EI increases your ability to focus and productivity and access your creative genius zone.  You get more things done with laser-focused clarity and less effort.
  2. EI improves your communication and negotiations skills resulting in greater workplace satisfaction and reduced staff turnover.
  3. EI increases your ability to identify and manage emotions in yourself and others resulting in reduced occupational stress and increased productivity and engagement.